Friday, May 11, 2007

Blog, at last, the Fourth

OK, when I started this blog, I was planning on being witty, intelligent, and writing an entry every three days or so. Well, I've pretty much failed at that. I haven't written anything for... three or four weeks, now, although it would help if I remembered what the date was today. I haven't written anything particularly intelligent, only bragging about having subliminally ruined a music video (I'm still proud of that. Watch the ratings of Star Trek re-runs suddenly rocket upwards...) and illegally downloading the soundtrack to a series of advertisements that are each thirty seconds long. So, now I try again...
While I try to think of something witty and intelligent, I'll tell you about what's happened in my incredible and exciting life of late.
...Basically nothing, until about Tuesday. So let's go into diary mode.

Starts off badly, I wake up early for band, then fall asleep again. When I wake up again, I have fifteen minutes to have a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, etc. As it happens, I have to skip breakfast. When I get to school, everything is the same as it usually is. I have to perform a skit during first period, take notes during second, another skit in third, and discuss something or other about Canadian politics in fourth. Then I get my course selection sheet for next year back. Somehow, I manage to get all of my top choices. There's video block, chemistry, drama, world religions, and french (so my parents aren't disappointed). Not only that, but several of my friends are also in video block, and they happen to be good actors (aka drama nerds). I get the feeling we'll be able to produce some pretty fantastic stuff next year...
When I get home, I get a phone call telling me I have a job for the summer at Manitoba Pioneer Camp.

Dramafest. Myself and about twenty other people go to Redeemer University to take part in the drama festival that happens every year. I am somewhat out of place in this group, but I am beyond caring. In the morning I learn the basics of stage combat, and get to wield a sword. How awesome is that?
Lunch is a barbecue. With their great culinary skills, the cooking staff manage to make lemonade that is warmer than the hamburgers. The number of hamburgers left over is probably equivalent to about half a cow.
After lunch we see a production of The Full Works of Shakespeare (Abridged). It is very well done, and very funny. There's a bit of implied dirtiness (very implied)...
We then go on to our second workshop, which for me is a workshop on staging comedy. I learn... one thing. Give or take.
At the end of the day, two of the other schools perform segments from their school plays. Our school is so much better...
Peters (our drama teacher. To be perfectly frank, I don't know how many people are reading this blog, if any, so I don't know whether to assume that you know everyone at my school) leads a few improv games. I take part in several of them, and make some very very bad mistakes during Questions (blocking, blocking, more blocking, and then I can't think of anything to say), but luckily the other person makes a bigger mistake (statement), and so I don't lose.
Then we go home.

Band trip. We load the buses, blah blah blah. Lot's of band stuff happens. We have a talent night, in which we hear "You're Beautiful" in British accents, watch a skit about the three Bandketeers, and lots of other random stuff. My friends and I spend the remainder of the evening going completely and utterly insane. Insanity is fun, but I wouldn't want to live there...

I eat a large breakfast, then another large breakfast. More band stuff, and then we pack up and leave. We get back to school finally, and I have a chance to talk to my friends quickly before leaving for home. When I get home, I fall asleep...

Anyway, there you have it. I got three days off of school, and I get another two off of school next week (this time for festival choir and dinner & a show). I expect I'll have lots to say about both these things, so check up in about a week. And I'll try to be even more witty and intelligent.


Madeleine said...

you are definitely not a drama nerd(yet).
just wait till you have acted, directed, done sound design, and costumes for at least 6 plays.
then you are a drama nerd.

Jonathan said...

your blog looked lonely. so my comment came over for tea and biscuits. hope that's alright...