Tuesday, June 03, 2008

You Can't See Me

I've been feeling invisible today. I don't know why, or even what I mean by "feeling invisible". Ah well, such is life. I expect it's just a strange phase of some sort.

I also spent some time trying to remember the last time I did something mind-blowingly creative. I can't say it's easy. I haven't done anything interesting or creative for a while. I should really snap myself out of this uncreative boring streak, it doesn't make life very interesting. But what can I do?
Stay tuned...

Since the last time I blogged...
I was in a play. That was fun.
I won a choir award and sang a short solo in the Spring Concert.
I... haven't done very much, really. Um... I can't really think of anything. Again, I have to snap myself out of this uncreative streak.

Since I have nothing else going on, I can talk about the play.
It was fun. I got a lead role, which was stressful. I survived though. And I got to yell louder than I have before in my life and fire one of those guns they fire to start races, which is like the real thing but without the risk of blowing someone's head off by accident. Oh, and I had a 'fro that made my head look like broccoli.

On Sunday I had a bit of a revelation. Is revelation the right word? Probably not. But I realized something.
God loves me.
Cool, eh? I mean, someone who's perfect, loving me. The creator of the universe, too! God invented gravity, and physics, and life, and light—not just seeing a stray ion and thinking "Hm, that would look good over there, and maybe if I added some more of them..." or it being twilight and thinking "Let's make it a bit brighter..." but actually inventing light—all that, and He loves me. How freaking awesome is that?


Ben said...


(kirstyn) said...

It is. Nothing I have, am, or ever will do can ever screw up that love. It's unconditional. I don't fully understand it, but His love is a beautiful thing.