Sunday, April 08, 2007

Blog the First

Hey. This is me. That's right, the one planning the demise of the photographer. You'll also notice I'm the one who's in focus.
Anyway, that's not important. I'm only uploading this because there's some strange thing with the profile picture here that doesn't allow me to upload it directly. ...Which leads me to this blog.
Hello. I am Sam. Any cracks about green eggs or ham and there is a distinct possibility that you won't enjoy yourself. If you don't think I'm capable of revenge, just look at the picture. See? I'm evil. Get used to it. And I don't want green eggs and ham.

Anyway, I might as well write something worthwhile, so I'll just remind anyone who's reading this that I'm only here because I made a bet with a friend that I could give up Facebook. She thinks I can't. Five bucks says I can.

Now... Enjoy...

1 comment:

Madeleine said...

i want green eggs and ham. ive always wanted green eggs and ham. why didnt they name ME sam?